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Legal notice

Corps de texte


Despite the great care taken in creating and writing this website, the University of Liège (ULiège Library) cannot guarantee the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the information contained therein. It is also possible that said information contains typos, technical errors and other inaccuracies for which the university cannot be held liable.

The University of Liège (ULiège Library) shall not be held liable for the content of websites whose hyperlinks are shown on this website. It does, however, undertake to remove any hypertext link to a website whose content it finds to be illegal, at its earliest possible convenience.

The University of Liège (ULiège Library) shall not be held liable for any damage, of any kind whatsoever, which results from the user’s use of this website (e.g. viruses, corrupted files, loss of programmes or other data, etc.).
The University of Liège (ULiège Library) shall not be held liable for interruptions to the connection or any other technical problems that affect the Internet network.

The University of Liège (ULiège Library) reserves the right to amend or update the information contained on this website or this legal information at any time without prior notice.

Intellectual property

All the elements of this website are the property of the university, which also owns the copyright, ancillary rights and database rights, as a transferee or producer (audiovisual works, audio works and databases).

This refers to elements of the website such as photographs, articles and other texts, drawings, logos, soundtracks, films and other animations, layout, etc.

The University of Liège (ULiège Library) requires any user who reproduces, communicates or modifies any element on the website on any medium to obtain its express written authorisation, except for reproductions that are made for private consultation for teaching or research purposes.

The University of Liège (ULiège Library) acknowledges that the legal exceptions that are defined in Articles XI.189 to XI.191/2 of the Code of Economic Law are in full force. However, within the framework of these exceptions, users must mention the source of the elements they reproduce (i.e. the website address, ‘’, the name ULiège, the name of the author if it is mentioned on the site, or any title of the reproduced element) and must respect the moral rights of the relevant author or the authors, which the University of Liège (ULiège Library) intends to respect.

The University of Liège (ULiège Library) authorises the website user to create a simple hypertext link to this website, on the condition that the external site that is referencing this website does not contain any defamatory or illegal content, to the exclusion of deep-link techniques, such as ‘framing’ or ‘inlining’.

Image rights

The individuals who are represented and who can be identified on this website have authorised the University of Liège (ULiège Library) to reproduce their images on this website. Any reproduction or other use of the image of a person represented on this website is prohibited for all users, except when express written consent has been obtained from the individual in question.


Within the framework of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as the general privacy-protection measures established by the University of Liège, ULiège Library would like to draw your attention to the following:


  • ULiège Library takes reasonable and appropriate measures to prevent the loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration or unlawful destruction of personal data.
  • The Alma library management system used by ULiège Library and the Primo public interface (ULiège Collections catalogue) are solutions from Clarivate | Ex Libris, which has ISO 22301, ISO 27001 (information systems security) and ISO 27018 (protection of personal data in cloud computing) certifications. For more information, visit the Clarivate Trust Center.

Personal data

  • Users – staff and students – members of the Liège CHU university community: 
    • Personal data at our disposal (surname, first name, ULiège/CHU ID, postal and email address, date of birth, telephone number and private mobile number, faculty and department) is sent from the Institution's central database and is stored for management purposes in order to provide the services we offer. These may vary according to your reader status: borrowing documents, reserving documents, document provision (including partial digitisation and via ILLs), booking a room, new-item alerts and purchase suggestions.
    • Your saved searches and alerts can only be accessed by you, via your MyLibrary account. You can manage and delete them yourself.
  • Users outside the university community: 
    • The personal data that you provide when you register with a University library (surname, first name, postal and email address, date of birth, telephone number and private mobile number), as well as the ID that we supply, are stored for management purposes in order to provide the services we offer. These may vary according to the user's status: borrowing documents, reserving documents, document provision (including via ILLs), booking a room and purchase suggestions.
    • Users’ saved searches and alerts can only be accessed by them, via their MyLibrary account. Users can manage and delete them themselves.
    • The password that may have been provided when registering or renewing the library account is included in the university's IT authentication system and is neither accessible nor stored by ULiège Library.
  • Suppliers and supplier contacts 
    • ULiège Library saves data relating to their suppliers (company name, postal address, telephone numbers, email address, website, VAT number and SAP ID) in the Alma management system, as well as data relating to their contacts within these suppliers’ (surname, first name, email address and telephone number).
  • Under no circumstances shall data that is stored and managed in Alma and Primo be disclosed to third parties.
  • Users' personal data is always deleted from our systems, at the latest, four years after the expiry date of the library account.
  • In all cases, users' personal data is deleted from our systems no later than 1 year after the expiry date of the user account for the ULiège community (staff and students) and 4 years for users from outside the university community.
  • Information concerning search histories in the ULiège Collections catalogue, visit dates and times and the type of browser used is collected anonymously.
  • ULiège Library does not have any information about the identity of the individuals to whom these search histories belong (ID, name or IP address).
  • Any user, supplier or contact has the right to request access to their personal data, which is stored in the Alma system, to correct inaccurate or incomplete data, to delete data and to limit its processing and transferability. The user, supplier or contact may exercise these rights by sending a request to the address dpo{at}uliege(.)be, with Library-Systems{at}lists(.)uliege(.) in CC, after first logging in. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that deleting data automatically results in services provided by ULiège Library being stopped for these users. Any current loans and fees due remain active, and, for suppliers, orders from the company shall end. Once this data has been deleted, it shall no longer be possible for a user to borrow a document, reserve a document, file an inter-library loan request, file a digitisation request, make a purchasing recommendation or book a group study room that is managed by ULiège Library.

Applicable law and relevant jurisdiction

Any use of this website is subject to Belgian law.

Any dispute relating to the use of this website or its content shall be exclusively governed by the jurisdiction of the Liège Courts.


For any questions, or to send us any feedback about this website, the University of Liège (ULiège Library) invites the user to send an email to the address: bib.direction{at}uliege(.)be.

Last updated on