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Borrowing & Consulting

Prêt et consultation
Corps de texte

The right habit: Sign in

  • To access your services and options, sign in.
  • Signing in enables you to directly access all the options for requesting and borrowing documents, as well as your library account.



You can borrow most recent documents, except for reference books, certain periodicals and documents that are too fragile. The duration of the loan depends on the document and your reader status (from 1 week to 3 months).


If you are a member of the ULiège community, your loans will be automatically renewed, unless the document has been reserved by another user, and within the limit of the period authorized for renewals.

If you are an external user, you can extend a loan online from your reader account, unless the document is reserved by another user or the total duration of your loan is too long.


Is a publication that you want to borrow out on loan? Log in and reserve it online. You will be notified by email when it is ready for you.

Requested documents

If a borrowed book is reserved by another user, a message will be sent inviting you to return it to the library as soon as you no longer need it. For very long loans (3 months), the return date may be reduced to one month from the reminder date.


You can return your documents to the premises from which you borrowed them, or at almost any ULiège Library branches.

Self-service machines

Some facilities are equipped with self-service borrowing machines. Please feel free to use them to borrow or return documents.


The loan service is free of charge. For external users, a penalty fee of €0.15 per document and day overdue may apply.

Pick-up points

Is a publication available at a distant location? You can have it delivered in certain local facilities (free on-demand service).

Last updated on