Does your service or laboratory have a collection of books that you would like to make available to students and colleagues at the University? Presto can help.
Presto is a platform developed by ULiège Library to enable services and laboratories to simply and automatically manage the loan of books in their collections themselves.
With Presto, you can directly manage:
- loans (for 1 month or 2 weeks),
- returns,
- renewals,
- the people authorised to manage loans for your collection,
- in complete autonomy,
- via a simple interface available in French and English.
For its part, ULiège Library takes care of:
- the training of Presto managers within the service,
- sending reminder letters and courtesy notices to borrowers,
- support and assistance for Presto managers,
- the technical side (interfacing between Presto and the Alma library management system).
More than 100,000 books are located in the University's services, research centres and laboratories. These can be found in ULiège Library's online catalogue. Until now, when students or staff wanted to borrow one of these items, it was difficult for the service to manage the loan professionally. With Presto, this is now possible.