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How to use PeriscOApe ?
The four buttons in the sidebar of the dashboard below provide insights into four different levels:
- Acces dynamics : What are the proportions of closed and open access articles? This level of analysis takes into consideration whether open access is delivered through a publisher’s website and/or a repository.
- OA on publisher's website : What are the types open access for articles publicly available on a publisher’s website? Are they published in fully-OA journals or not? Are these journals APC-led or not?
- The label “free/gratis (no licence)” refers to articles freely available on a publisher website but for which no licence and journal model could be clearly identified. This pretty much corresponds the so-called bronze OA label as it has been defined here.
- The label “OA possible fees” refers to OA articles available on a publisher website and labelled as “gold” in OpenAlex but for which the journal model and the possible presence of fees could not be ascertained.
- Types of APC-led OA : What are the types of APC-led OA of OA articles available on a publisher’s website after the payment of fees? And what are the theoretical APC prices (in $US)?
- APC paid by ULiège : What are the types of APC-led OA of OA articles available on a publisher’s website after the payment of fees paid by the Institution? And what APC prices were actually paid (in €)?
For each level of analysis, two filters (subject and publisher) allow you to gain further insights into issues of bibliodiversity (business models, publishing concentration trends, etc.). These filtering possibilities indeed reveal sharps contrasts between subjects and publishers.
For reasons of readability and institutional analysis, articles published by publishing structures related to the University of Liège or one of its entities have been gathered under the label “University of Liège” in the publisher category.
The data regarding the APC paid by the University presented here are slightly different from the information available in OpenAPC because of differences in corpus and perimeter definition.
Methods and data behind PeriscOApe
Data is for now limited to scientific articles published between 2018 and 2020. The project uses two main open data sources:
- The Open scholarly dataset OpenAlex ;
- The Insititutional repository ORBi ;
Further details regarding methods for data extraction and enrichment can be found in the project’s technical report (in French only).
The dataset underlying the project is also openly available online. Some of its labels have been slightly modified to create the dashboard presented here, whose interface is in English only.
Funding and credits
The PeriscOApe project was financed by the Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique (BICfB).
The following people have contributed to the elaboration and development of this project:
- Myriam Bastin : Data curation (support); investigation (support)
- Sylvain Danhieux : Data curation (support); software (support)
- Cécile Dohogne : Data curation (support); investigation (support)
- Christophe Dony : Conceptualization; data curation (lead); formal analysis; investigation (lead); methodology; project administration; validation; visualization; writing – original draft (technical report); writing – review & editing (technical report)
- Paul Thirion : Supervision
PeriscOape’s logic and development has been largely influenced by two initiatives whose work we would like to acknowledge here: