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Print / Copy / Scan

Photocopie et scan
Corps de texte

This service requires compliance with the legal exceptions.

Photocopy cards

Photocopy cards are on sale at the reception of most of the premises. You need them to photocopy and print documents.

By piece    0,10 €/page
Card 503 €
Card 1005,5 €
Card 25012 €
Card 50022 €


The Léon Graulich facility offers magnetic cards that can be topped up. A €4 deposit is requested when purchasing, which is refunded to the reader when the card is returned in good condition.

Photocopieuses et imprimantes

Photocopiers or printers are available at all ULiège Library facilities for standard formats (A4 in black and white).

If you would like to print, you need a photocopy card.

  • A4 black and white
    Where : everywhere
    Price : see photocopy cards
  • A4 color
    Where : Graulich, Geosciences, Health - CHU, Polytech et Sciences
    Price : from 0,2€ to 0,6€/page (depending on the facility)
  • A3
    Where : Reception & Reading Room (20-Août) and other facilities downtown, Agro-Bio Tech, Architecture, Geosciences, Polytech et Sciences
    Price : 1 copy A3 = 2 copies A4


You can photograph, photocopy and scan most documents.

Scanners are available in most of the large reading rooms and in facilities that preserve maps, plans and photographs.

This service is free on all the facilities.

The following cannot be scanned:

  • Non-standard formats (maps, for example).
  • Old documents (before 1830), or documents that are in bad condition, documents with fragile binding or documents that are sensitive to light.
  • An entire book, dissertation or thesis without the author’s consent.

If in doubt, ask the staff for advice.

A book scanner is available in the reading room at the Reception & Reading Room (20-Août). We recommend that you use it for any document that you wish to partially copy.

The book scanner is free to use and it is compulsory to use it to copy any document dating to before 1830.

Digital files may:

  • be saved on a USB storage device (USB stick, external hard drive, etc.) for large documents.
  • be sent in JPEG, TIFF or PDF format to an email address (for a scan of a few pages maximum).
  • be printed for the price of standard prints in the reading room.

A map scanner is available at the Geosciences facility. Please ask the staff for advice.

Copying a thesis or dissertation in full requires prior authorisation from the work’s author.

Partial copying is possible, as long as the conditions outlined in the legal exceptions are observed.


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