Tools by the University of Liège
- ORBi - Open Repository and Bibliography
- DONum - Digitized Objects Repository
- MatheO - Master Thesis Online
- PoPuPS - The Institution's Open Access portal for scholarly journals
- e-publish, open digital edition
- Mosa, Open Access research produced by scholars from Belgian and Luxembourgish institutions
- Compass to Publish, helps you determine the degree of authenticity of open access journals
Specific web resources
- BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (more than 150 million references of which about 60% with fulltexts)
- CORE - COnnecting REpositories (more than 135 million references)
- DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
- Isidore - Humanities and Social Sciences
- Google Scholar
- ROAD - Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
Learn about Open Access policies
From the publishers
- JISC Open Policy Finder (formerly SHERPA/RoMEO) : the international reference with over 2,500 referenced editorial policies
- Mir@bel - Information service on the policies of French publishers
- Some tips for identifying "predatory" publishers
From the institutions
- ROARMAP - Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies
- SHERPA/JULIET - Research's funder Open Access Policies
OA Discussion Lists
- GOAL - Global Open Access List (American Scientist Open Access Forum website)
- French discussion list on open access
Information sites
- - Providing information on OpenAccess in Belgium
- Open Access France - The Couperin site for open access in France
- Free access to scientific and technical information - Inist website on current events, issues and perspectives of the OA