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Associated Documentation Centres

Centres de documentation associés
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CEDEM : Centre d’études de l’ethnicité et des migrations

Founded in 1995, CEDEM (Centre for the study of ethnicity and migrations) is an inter-faculty centre that aims to conduct all theoretical or empirical research in the fields of human migration, ethnic relations and racism. In particular, it focuses on the relationships between migratory processes and developmental inequalities. This research is carried out via a multi-disciplinary approach, one that combines political science, sociology, anthropology, international relations and law.

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CIRIEC : Centre International de Recherches et d'Information sur l'Economie Publique, Sociale et Coopérative

CIRIEC (the International centre for research and innovation on the public, social and cooperative economy) is an international, non-governmental scientific organisation, which aims to carry out and promote the gathering of information and scientific research concerning economic sectors and activities that serve the general and collective interest. CIRIEC has two documentation centres in Europe, one of which is located at the University of Liège.

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GAR : Groupe d'ateliers de recherche

GAR (Research workshop group) is an architectural archive centre that was founded in 1982 and has been incorporated within the University of Liège's Faculty of Architecture since 2010. It houses the archive collections of several major figures in the history of Walloon architecture, including Henri Debras, Jean Englebert, Jean Godard, Joseph Moutschen and Albert Puters. It supports the faculty’s scientific endeavours by offering high-quality collections. GAR also houses a library of approximately 5,000 publications dedicated to architecture, in particular local architecture. In addition to managing its architecture archives, GAR promotes them through exhibitions, conferences and publications (see the Archidoc project).

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IEJE : Institut d'Etudes Juridiques Européennes

Fernand Dehousse is responsible for founding the Institut d’Etudes Juridiques Européennes (Institute of European legal studies) within the Faculty of Law at the beginning of the 60s.

The IEJE has a team of assistants and researchers from various backgrounds, who share an interest in research in the field of community law. Several of these researchers are former students of the DEA (diplôme d’études approfondis) organised by the IEJE.

The IEJE also hosts a European Documentation Centre (EDC). This is a library that is accredited by the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education and Culture). It has special access to the community databases (CELEX, SCAD, ECLAS, etc.).

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